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Mobile Phones


Working in a commercial gym, mobile phones are permitted. Jess explained why the mobile phone is the biggest distraction she sees in the gym:


"People will be emailing while they're on the bike, stop in the middle of the gym or sit in the stretching area and write emails and text. I've seen a couple of phone injuries where people have been trying to multitask and their phone has gone flying. I have seen quite a few iPads, even fablets for people to watch series on while they exercise. People have to ensure that they are not hunched over the phones while exercising, as this bad posture can have negative impacts over time.

Of the survey results, the resounding answer was that mobile phones are the most popular device to take with them.










When asked why they took their selected device with them, the reasons were mostly positive:









However, when asked about distraction factor, many admitted that the phone was a major distraction in the effectiveness of their workout. For example, respondant 14 stated "my mobile phone is constantly giving notifications and It's hard not to notice

and 35 stated "Sometime I get distracted by my phone, because I scroll through facebook and I stop exercising as hard" (2015).




Jess' experience of overcoming this distraction herself is valuable advice for other gym-goers with the same predicament. She puts her phone in an arm-band, so she can listen to music without feeling the vibration of incoming messages. 



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